Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Tech diffs, as the millenials might say, last night... no connection.
I've about run out of adjectives to describe the scenery. I will say, though, that if you're not moved by the Alcan between Fort Nelson and Whitehorse, you can't be moved.
Surprised by the traffic - lots of it. Road condition is better than Louisiana state highways or Denton city streets.
My inner Marquez (if you know anything about MotoGP, you know Marquez) wants me to ride the snot out of these curves, but the outer grandfather in me says enjoy the scenery and watch for critters. Lots of bears, many in the road. Lots of bison, not on the road but threatening.  Saw black bears and brown... apparently not grizzlies because they weren't eating salmon or people.
Distances are immense. 175 miles between gas station s is not unusual.
Incredibly dense, expansive  forests... sometimes. you can't see 10 feet into the woods.
Camped in Robert Service Campground beside the Yukon in Whitehorse.
Today I rode with Doc Walker from Denver. we were both buying gas in Watson Lake and both going to Whitehorse so we led each other to the campground. Doc, who has done just about every thing every place one can do it, is riding the Alaska Highway because it was built the year he was born -- 1942. Doc was good company with fascinating "career development" stories.
Two great days of riding. More to cone.


  1. Love that you're staying in the Robert Service campground in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory.

    I am continuing to have a great time following your progress with that Spot thing. Your journey flickers in the background on one of my monitors, and I can periodically zoom in to imagine what you're up to. So cool.

    Have fun, be careful--and know that you are carrying the Vicarious flag for normal people everywhere!

  2. You going to have to take a ferry in Dawson? I don't see a bridge across the Yukon, which looks pretty damned wide at that point?

    For that matter, are you going to overnight in Dawson or pitch camp along the Top of the World Hwy and take your chances with the bears, wolves and martens? I don't see another town until ... Fairbanks?

    From rooting around on Google Maps, i get the impression Hwy 9 is not, strictly speaking, paved. Jesus. Take care. And watch out for the meese.

  3. Ha! Normal people...
    Yes, Bert, Top of the World Highway from here to Tok includes significant gravel. Very signigucant. Natives call it the Top of the World Path. Only gas is at Chicken, Alaska beyond the border.
